Hewett's set to raise £40,000 for local charities
To celebrate its 40th year in business, Hewett Recruitment has unveiled its 40@40 Challenge with plans to raise £40,000 for local charities through a series of fundraising initiatives and events over the next 18 months.
Established in 1980 by recruitment specialist Louise Hewett, the Worcester and Kidderminster-based firm will run a series of charity events as well as participating in several externally organised fundraising initiatives. These range from taking part in a charity sleepout through to running events and even a freefall skydive. The money raised from each of these will count towards the final total in 2020.
The 40@40 challenge officially kicked off last month with Directors Laura Hewett and Ben Mannion braving the cold and sleeping outside at Sixways Stadium. The pair, who raised nearly a thousand pounds, gave up their beds as part of the CEO Sleepout to raise awareness and funds for homeless people in Worcester.
Some of the team will dust off their running shoes to take part in ‘The Go Bright for Sight 5K Colour Run’ in aid of Sight Concern and the Kidderminster team are taking part in the Kemp Hospice Midnight Walk on June 15th. Director Ben Mannion is doing a 220-mile canoe challenge along the length of the River Severn in aid of Megan baker House and aims to raise an impressive £7,500.
Founder and Managing Director, Louise Hewett explained: “We’ve always been equally passionate about the business and our role in the local community. Hewett Recruitment was founded nearly four decades ago and I’m exceptionally proud of the company it has become today. This is just the start of our challenge and we look forward to supporting more local charities.” Louise has personally backed the Worcester Stands Tall project in aid of St. Richard’s Hospice by sponsoring a giraffe.
The ‘40@40’ challenge follows a successful year for the business, which has also recently unveiled a new website, celebrated a 29% rise in sales and doubled the size of its specialist Technical Division.