Back to Business
Many of us will be beginning to prepare to go back to our place of work. We will be waiting with interest for Sunday’s briefing. In preparation we can learn something of the reality of working safely in this coronavirus crisis, through understanding the challenges and solutions found by those businesses who are currently working hard supplying essential services.
In partnership with Worcestershire LEP and a number of our clients at Hewett’s , we are collecting feedback to help businesses of all shapes, sizes and sectors across the region return to work safely. Through a series of podcasts,round tables and panels, we will share our findings and ask for your feedback , solutions and challenges, supporting each other through this new evolving business landscape. If your business is one of those already back to the workplace, we would value your feedback.
This is new to all of us and the reality of your experiences in overcoming the challenges of working safely would be good to share with those who are still working out how it can be achieved. Contact me at louise@hewett-recruitment.co.uk .Let’s help everyone back to work safely hashtag#returntowork# hashtag#keeptalkinghashtag#wecandothishashtag#nextsteps