Benefits of Flexible Working
Flexible working isn’t always simply about keeping employees happy, there is a good business case for organisations to take a serious look at flexible hiring.
The truth is that most people would work flexibly if they could. According to recent research by ‘Timewise’, a staggering 87% of the UK’s full-time workforce either work flexibly in some way or wish they could. Flexible working isn’t just for mums - across the generations, 92% of generation Y, 88% of generation X and 72% of baby boomers prefer this way of working.
The problem is that despite this huge demand, only 1 in 10 jobs are currently advertised as being flexible at the point of hire.
We hear on a regular basis about the skills shortage. If businesses become more creative about how to design jobs and make them work on a flexible basis, with the technology to support it, a whole tranche of skilled individuals may be available to fill these skills gaps.
Businesses have a huge amount to gain from offering and encouraging flexibility. Some of the best talent may prefer to work in this way. Retention of good people is an issue in this skills shortage market. Real flexibility is still hard to come by and encourages people to stay with us at every level of an organisation.
The other good news is that flexible workers tend to be even more productive and if technology allows remote working, this frees up office space and saves business costs.
To find out more and receive a free flexible hiring strategy review, contact Louise Hewett: Louise@hewett-recruitment.co.uk.
Louise Hewett